Could A.I. Make Us More Human?

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

The common theme today is that Artificial Intelligence (AI), along with robots, is on a relentless path to replace us all. We’ll either mostly be living in a dystopian world of tiny apartments in brutalist slums or we’ll all be sipping Singapore slings on sunny beaches. Whichever way it does go, what if, after it all, AI ends up making us more human?

It’s a perspective we don’t seem to have yet thought much about, but there are so many potential outcomes we cannot possibly guess them all. Any assertion of an outcome is really not more than an educated, at best, guess.

For this article, let’s set aside a dystopian or utopian outcome and the concept of ever creating an Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), a form of AI that would have the machines end up the same intelligence as or more than us, humans.

A number of AI tools such as Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing have been used in healthcare for disease detection and developing pharmaceuticals. Other AI tools are being used to help us understand our planet, nature. Even trying to talk with whales. An attempt to talk to the external, the “other.”

What if it turns out that with LLMs (Large Language Models) like Claude, Gemini and chatGPT, that we can’t get rid of their tendency to hallucinate and make things up? What if these video tools can’t stop…



Giles Crouch | Digital Anthropologist

Digital / Cultural Anthropologist | I'm in WIRED, Forbes, National Geographic etc. | Speaker | Writer