How We Use Play To Adopt Technologies
When, as adults, we hear the word play, we tend to think of when we were children, or our own children playing, laughing, have a fun time. That is indeed play. But play is something we do as adults too. Play is an important part of culture, which is the code we use to survive as a species. And play features in how we choose technologies.
First, it’s important to understand what play is and its role in culture, then we’ll look at the role of play in choosing many, not all, technologies. Humans are after all, a very playful species.
There are other animals that play as well. Crows, chimpanzees, bonobos, ravens and even cows, donkeys and goats have been seen to play.
Why do we play? Why is it so important as part of what it means to be human? Play is very much a form of learning, both individually and as social groups. As Chiltern, we play to learn about our bodies; how they move, what they can and can’t do and how to get along with others.
As we grow older, play tends to be associated more strictly with forms of organised sport. But we play in other ways too. Hiking, windsurfing, canoeing and kayaking. These are all forms of play. Adult forms of play are important because we are always learning and growing throughout our lives.
So how does play feature in terms of choosing technologies? Is it that important?
Some technologies of course, are designed for play. Toys as children and later sports equipment that helps us play better or protects us from serious injuries. Video games. But play helps with all kinds of other technologies.
Take the TV show Battlebots, its been running since 2000 and has 12 seasons. Competing teams build small robots that have to bash each other up in order to win. There have been other tv shows of this type around robots. It is a form of play that familiarises society with the role of robots. Albeit in a rather violent way. But it’s still important in terms of socialising a technology.
Now, we are seeing an interest in jet pack racing. While there aren’t a lot of companies building jet packs, there are enough to start a racing event. These races serve multiple purposes; building public awareness, marketing to build opportunity and entertainment as education.
Then there’s drone races. Yes, there’s a Drone Racing League which bills itself as the world’s premier professional drone racing organisation. Drone races are held around the world. Drones have a number of active roles in societies today. From warfare to delivering supplies in a natural disaster zone to rescuing drowning swimmers. Drone races as a form of play, help familiarise society with their use. We can buy drones for our own play as well, such as when we go on hikes.
If you’ve ever downloaded a new software app and searched for YouTube videos on how to use the app, the makers of those videos are using a form of play to showcase them. Some do it for money, most do it for both money and enjoyment, which is play.
Often times when we acquire a new car, motorcycle, ATV, bicycle, we are told by others with experience in those technologies to just “play around with it.” That is a very meaningful statement.
Play is an aspect of human culture, which includes our economic systems, family arrangements, art, music, how we govern our societies and more. When we play together, it helps us form social bonds and reduces the chances of conflict breaking out. Except maybe in a hockey game.
Playing with technologies helps us understand where they fit in our personal lives and within our societies. Play sparks our imaginations and we may even find new uses for technologies or discover a new technology altogether.
Playing with emerging technologies has a role in teaching us uses and giving others ideas on different ways to use a technology. It is also a friendlier way of showing us how a technology might impact our social norms, traditions and behaviours.
When a new technology comes along, one of the first things we do is play with it. As ChatGPT launched, people played with it. Asking it to write jokes, poetry and essays. A form of social experimentation through play.